
Daily Word

Everyday hundreds of thousands of people from all walks of life read Daily Word magazine as they affirm and apply spiritual principles in their lives. Together, with the Silent Unity prayer ministry, we form a daily prayer group that extends throughout the world. 

On-going weekly meditation groups - Open to everyone

A weekly offering led by Judith Morales.  

Matthew 18:20 “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them.”

The Power of Eight is simply a concept based on the premise, that when people gather with a single focus at the same time, energy moves and miracles happen. 

Join us on zoom each Wednesday morning.

Zoom meeting id: Meeting ID: 845 275 1409

Passcode: Light 

A weekly offering led by Sharon Golden

A time of calm centering.

A zoom gathering

Zoom meeting id: Meeting ID: 828 3264 4968 

Passcode: nanagolden

Our partners in prayer

Silent Unity Building

How may we pray with you?

Do you believe that prayer works? Silent Unity® does, and we have more than 120 years of experience to support that belief. Every day, people from all over the world and from all walks of life turn to Silent Unity. We provide compassionate, confidential, affirmative prayer support.

Silent Unity, The Light that Shines for You - 24/7/365
Always standing by.  Click the link for information or call. 

United States—1-816-969-2000

5 a.m. to 1 a.m. (CT), 3 a.m. to 11 p.m. (PT) 

Prayer at your fingers tips

The free BeUnity app offers you quick access to motivational resources from Unity.

The web-based app works on any mobile device. Available at, it’s a one-stop shop for your favorite Unity resources.

Be peaceful. Be grateful. Be inspired. Be Unity!

View detailed instructions on installing the 

BeUnity app on your mobile device.